Friday, August 20, 2010

still waiting on the world to change

so tonight i was watching a David Gray special we taped off of one of the music channels we get (fuse, maybe?) and his recent music worked beautifully as a muse for writing poetry. it wasn't on purpose, i was just listening to his gravelly (sp?) voice and picked up a pen and a poem came out. i haven't been hit this hard by poetry in ... well.... forever. really. like a decade or something. so here it is...

Flippin, stickin
Where was i when i was lookin
i went to find what i knew i had
the past
the Truth
the Love
..... A field afar
with wildflowers (FULL)
Where did i go What did i do
Whatever. everything i saw was you.

what did i do to earn your love
what did i do to earn your love

it just was.

the grass. the hill. your hands. the dance.
and somehow i just lost my chance.
where did you go you go you go

the Love
the lies
the past
my chance
the Truth
and oh, the Beautiful Dance.

Flippin, stickin
You took it all when i stopped lookin


  1. Sunni!! I love David Gray (just saw him in concert with Ray LaMontagne) and I'm truly loving your poetry. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Love. Needs to be set to music. Ukulele maybe?

  3. i need to learn to tune my Ukulele so i can play it... and then *then* i will set it to music! :)


Random thankfulness.

This morning I woke up with a toothache. Not sure why... it's only been a year & a few months since my dentist said I needed a tooth...