Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another Year Gone

I'm kind of glad 2009 is over and a new year is about to start. There were a lot of great things in 2009, but also some things I'm ready to leave behind.

4 more hours. And I plan to spend them putting Lucy to bed, eating some pizza and drinking some champagne with hubby, watching The Hangover (just purchased and not watched yet), and hopefully reading some before we watch the ball drop.
Nothing exciting, nothing loud.... and that's the way I like it.

In years past I would get out my journal and write a lot about what the past year held and what I hoped the new year would bring. But now that Lucy's here, most of my old hopes have come to fruition... and now I get to start thinking of new goals & dreams. Probably finding more time to write, and play piano... maybe another baby down the road?... we'll see. But this is definitely one day that I like to reminisce. I can't believe I've been out of college SO long. Crazy.
Time to go ring in the NEW! Happy New Year! And no, I don't think auld acquaintances should be forgot and never brought to mind... even though i love that song! Thank you Robbie Burns!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Theory of Equilibrium in Times of Stress

so i have a few crazy theories. i have no scientific data or evidence to back up any of my theories. once you read my Theory of Equilibrium you'll understand what i mean. :)

alright so i feel like when i get stressed out my brain moves crazy fast... trying to work through whatever's got me stressed out. and my thinking is going warped speed, but my body's still physically at normal speed. and i have a theory that everyone seeks balance, or equilibrium, in some manner.

there are those who, when stressed out, reach for alcohol. these are the people who want to forget their problems and stress. so if they reach for the alcohol, in an attempt to drink away their stress & problems, they are the people who want to slow down their brains. some people just want to slow down their brains until they are back to moving as slow as their bodies... and some people forget to quit drinking when they reach equilibrium (between brain & body) and get really drunk. obviously once they wake up or sober up, their stress is still there and completely un-dealt with.

then there is the second category of people. this is the category into which i fall. i belong to the people who, when stressed out, want to chew through their problems and stress until there is a viable, rational solution. even if the solution is just that i'm going to have to deal with the stress until it's worked out... i want to analyze my stress from every angle. so instead of alcohol, i reach for caffeine (coffee, in my case). because i want to speed up my body until it's just as frantic as my brain, to reach equilibrium, in order to work through my stress. i don't want to slow down until i'm done analyzing. so my solution for equilibrium in times of stress is coffee.

Now you see, i'm just trying to justify my over-consumption of coffee. But in truth, when i get stressed out i reach for coffee and i do think that's why. I don't want to forget my troubles, i want to work through them as quickly as possible.
No scientific data, no homework done. Just my silly theory. Sometime i'll write about my theory on infants. Not tonight. Tonight i have a pot of coffee waiting for me downstairs. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Boston Bucket List and other random nothings

i've been thinking a lot lately about when we do finally get back to Boston. right now it has been (how old is Luke?)... it's been 3 years since we were in Boston. So i'm making a list of things I want to make sure i see when i'm there again. and there are the obvious never-fail places we go... Fenway Park tour & Yawkey Way souveneir shop, Fanueil Hall/Quincy Market, Swan Boats, the Pru, Mr. Bartley's, Newbury Comics, Urban Outfitters at Harvard.... and of course i go to Anthropologie on Boylston and drink coffee from every DD in the city...oh and i always visit Peet's. and on our most recent trip we hit a couple of new places (3 years ago's not really recent, is it?) we managed to go to the Granary Burying Ground, and i *finally* found the little food cart at downtown crossing where they sell amazing chilean food (Chacarero)... but i have still come up with 3 things that i need to see in Boston.
1. the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (i think for the gardens alone it would be worth it)
2. the Boston Public Library (seriously, for the number of times i've been to the city and we always stay near the library... it's a LIBRARY and i've never been in?!)
3. i need to find a really good Italian bakery on the North End and have tiramisu and espresso

so that's it. that's my Boston bucket list... maybe "bucket list" is the wrong name for it, but it always seems longer in between each trip... and it starts to feel like i might never get back, so bucket list seems somehow appropriate.

also i've been wondering what it is about that particular city that i love so very much. i guess first, it's a city founded by independents... so that's an obvious reason for me. high Irish population... home of the Red Sox!... it's been referred to as the most European city in the U.S. so that's wonderful.... great architecture, rich history... they love coffee as much as i do... some of my very favorite people in the world live a train ride away... so many reasons. so little time. so sorry it's 17 hours away by car...

Monday, November 9, 2009

In The Beginning

This is the start.
I have been considering starting a blog for quite some is the day. No day but today.

I am also beginning a new book tonight: Pride, Prejuce, and Zombies. I was reading The Little Prince... I just couldn't get into it. I've heard it's wonderful and full of life-lessons, but I don't have the patience for that little book right now. I have recently finished The Time Travelers Wife and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Both were wonderful reads, and were the first books I've read in a couple of years. Now the itch to get working on my childrens' books is coming back as well, and a blog seems a good place to vent and get in the practice of writing again.
Sadly I'm not overly-caffeinated or over-opinionated tonight.
But, I have begun. So now I have a place.
I'll learn my way around.

Random thankfulness.

This morning I woke up with a toothache. Not sure why... it's only been a year & a few months since my dentist said I needed a tooth...